So What Is This?

Welcome. And thank you for visiting. What we have chosen to share is an informal and unstructured account of our own spiritual observations, experiences, and perspectives. We are not claiming to be authorities, or even to be "right." about anything. Our goal is to carry out this project with humility and respect. We hope you will participate and share your experiences as well. This is a project, an attempt to express the inexpressible as it has manifested in our lives. Here, we hope there will compile a vast array of ideas, observations, and experiences that all pertain to the spiritual path upon which you and all of us are both traveling (sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously). This forum is wide open, and we encourage your participation and feedback. These posts will be personal and spontaneous. They might inspire you, elate you, and touch you deeply... or they might do nothing at all. It's possible that some stuff will challenge you or make you uncomfortable. That can be a good thing, though it's not necessarily our aim. Whatever the effect may be, we hope it is a positive one, and that you grow in consciousness and live in the greatest of peace. Thanks for joining us, and be well.

With love,

Jason, Kathryn, and Ward

Monday, July 18, 2011

You are in more dimensions in any moment than you are ever aware

Love is the harmony of a shared heartbeat

You are worthy of unconditional love

Embrace your grace

In the face of ignorance, manifestation masquerades as coincidence

Be grateful and full of greatness, and you will be full of life

Love can not be built without the foundation of truth

The tender touch of a friend can melt any mountain of fear

If you are not aware of how your opinions are formed, don't be so quick to defend them

Only you can empower yourself to be free

Beyond the sky are dimensions offering realities that are equal only to the imagination

Change one belief or attitude about yourself and you change your entire life

A world absent of dreams is a world absent of life

Whatever you have thought and done, you are unconditionally loved and forever forgiven

When you talk, leave time for the walk

Build the roads that ought to be travelled to take you places never lived

Your joy patiently awaits your unconditional embrace

Every person with whom you have an issue is mirroring that issue within yourself

May the Lord of the wind blow your sail so you end up amongst the magic in which you dared not believe

You are God's profound and cherished dream

Love is the warming glue that cocoons us in the embrace of the eternal womb

It's a jungle out there when there's a jungle in you

The answers you receive are only profound as the questions you ask

Align yourself with the most joyful people you know and you will know what they feel

You are Nature's eternal gift to the Universe

Whatever you do, when you do it in a state of joy, it transmutes into joyous energy

Focus on your dreams and be witness to your magic

You are made from an unlimited creation and eternal joy that is forever your identity

If we did not have eyes, would the midnight stars exist? Would we hear them instead?

If you can always be yourself, joy in all ways will be yours

Love allows giving without the fear of not receiving

Love the freedom forever in you

Discover what you want to become and act it out in every oment. Then this is what you are.

Is your self-doubt more powerful than your desire for your dreams to be realised?

The lotus flower can teach you things no master can

Wisdom is the wand that transforms mistakes into Evolution

Your ability to make a wish would not exist if you did not have the power to make it come true

Make a wish, believe it will manifest then forget it, so you won't think to doubt
Divine Order will take care of it

Your intent is the essence that creates your circumstances

Lose your fear of failure and your failings will lose you

You belong in the moment

Divinity's song fills every corner of the universe with love..Listen

It is not the fear of the unknown but the fear of new adventures that harms you

No one can define you

You attract those who share your dreams

Life is a dream and death is an illusion. Can death be the awakening from the illusion we call reality?

When you feel wonderful because you gave, allow the joy of giving to be returned

Nature's laws within you can teach you everything you wish to know

The kingdom of heaven is within you and cannot exist without you

It's not what you do but why you do it

Your spirit soars free through the universe. Why not you?

Focus on joy, and not what it takes to be joyful

Life is made beautiful by attitude alone

An open mind is an open door to miraculous new adventures

Embrace change like you would a newborn child

Every person you don't forgive estranges your ability to love yourself

Be clear about your dreams and not concerned with how they materialise

How do you expect your dreams to come true when you hold them at a timeless distance with a stiff arm of fear and the stern hand of doubt?

Your answers are coming

You are here because you are loved

Have a light heart

Every experience came from a dream

Thoughts create your reality. What did you create today?

1 comment:

  1. You are a poet. But furthermore... in coming to know you as I have, Kat, I see that your whole life is a perfect poem itself!
