So What Is This?

Welcome. And thank you for visiting. What we have chosen to share is an informal and unstructured account of our own spiritual observations, experiences, and perspectives. We are not claiming to be authorities, or even to be "right." about anything. Our goal is to carry out this project with humility and respect. We hope you will participate and share your experiences as well. This is a project, an attempt to express the inexpressible as it has manifested in our lives. Here, we hope there will compile a vast array of ideas, observations, and experiences that all pertain to the spiritual path upon which you and all of us are both traveling (sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously). This forum is wide open, and we encourage your participation and feedback. These posts will be personal and spontaneous. They might inspire you, elate you, and touch you deeply... or they might do nothing at all. It's possible that some stuff will challenge you or make you uncomfortable. That can be a good thing, though it's not necessarily our aim. Whatever the effect may be, we hope it is a positive one, and that you grow in consciousness and live in the greatest of peace. Thanks for joining us, and be well.

With love,

Jason, Kathryn, and Ward

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Every Step of the Journey is the Journey" - Zen saying

I am reminded to be fully present and conscious of the here and now. There is no place else, and the past and future do not exist. Stop whatever it is you are doing and just simply be. Let the mind (that narrator who incessantly comments on everything you perceive) drop away. It will do this quite naturally, unless you try to force it. Just see what it is doing, accept that it is doing it, and then consciously bring your true self (the light of awareness) in to the multitude of experiences and phenomena that are happening around you right here, right now. They may be subtle (the hum of the air conditioning) or they may be pronounced (the sound of traffic outside your window). Whatever your experience is, open yourself fully unto it. You are a blank canvas upon which the Now will paint a masterpiece, if you so let it. And remember to breathe. What a simple but profound joy a deep and focused breath can be. Hopefully you will crack a gentle smile. You are alive.

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